Spylaw, near Alnwick

Has been described as a Possible Pele Tower

There are uncertain remains

NameSpylaw, near Alnwick
Alternative Names
Historic CountryNorthumberland
Modern AuthorityNorthumberland
1974 AuthorityNorthumberland
Civil Parish

Nothing known of tower mentioned by Moore as near Alnwick, listed as a peel by Harvey.

Gatehouse Comments

There are two houses called Spylaw in the OS gazetteer for Northumberland, one at NZ039974 and one at NU051312, both are about 10 miles from Alnwick, both are isolated and either (or both) could be the site of a tower or bastle.

- Philip Davis

Not scheduled

Not Listed

County Historic Environment Record
OS Map Grid Reference

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  • King, D.J.C., 1983, Castellarium Anglicanum (London: Kraus) Vol. 2 p. 356 (possible)
  • Harvey, Alfred, 1911, Castles and Walled Towns of England (London: Methuen and Co) p. 261
  • Moore, James, 1798, List of the Principal Castles and Monasteries in Great Britain (London) p. 32 online copy