Hawridge Court

Has been described as a Possible Timber Castle (Ringwork)

There are earthwork remains

NameHawridge Court
Alternative NamesHawridge Court Farm
Historic CountryBuckinghamshire
Modern AuthorityBuckinghamshire
1974 AuthorityBuckinghamshire
Civil ParishCholesbury Cum St Leonards

Oval ringwork internally some 60.0m NE-SW by 50.0m transversely, situated on a broad ridge within the garden of Hawridge Court. It is bounded by a rampart with an average height of 2.0m and outer ditch of similar size which, apart from some surface water on the NW, is dry. A difference of 2.0m in base level of the ditch from E to W precludes it from ever having been waterfilled. The interior and exterior ground levels are similar, a gap and causeway through the defences in the E probably representing an original entrance. Hawridge Court, C17 construction but not outstanding, occupies the N side of the ringwork. (PastScape)

Excavation failed to find any early features associated with the construction of the ringwork. Earliest evidence was a remnant soil horizon of late medieval date. Possible ditch or pit was exposed but was not investigated. Suggestion that cut features of medieval date may survive beneath post-medieval layers (Northamptonshire Archaeology, 1998). (Bucks. HER)

This site is a scheduled monument protected by law

Not Listed

Historic England (PastScape) Defra or Monument number(s)
County Historic Environment Record
OS Map Grid ReferenceSP950058
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  • Salter, Mike, 2002, The Castles of The Thames Valley and The Chilterns (Malvern: Folly Publications) p. 35
  • King, D.J.C., 1983, Castellarium Anglicanum (London: Kraus) Vol. 1 p. 27
  • Dyer, James, 1972, 'Earthworks of the Danelaw Frontier' in Fowler, P.J. (ed), Archaeology in the Landscape p. 231 (as Danish)
  • Page, Wm (ed), 1925, VCH Buckinghamshire Vol. 3 p. 367 (manorial history) online transcription
  • RCHME, 1912, An inventory of the historical monuments in Buckinghamshire Vol. 1 (south) p. 191 online copy
  • Page, Wm (ed), 1908, VCH Buckinghamshire Vol. 2 p. 33 online copy
  • Allcroft, A. Hadrian, 1908, Earthwork of England (London) p. 135-6, 207 online copy
  • Lipscomb, G., 1847, History and Antiquities of Buckinghamshire Vol. 3 p. 372-3


  • King, D.J.C. and Alcock, L., 1969, 'Ringworks in England and Wales' Château Gaillard Vol. 3 p. 90-127


  • Northamptonshire Archaeology, 2007, An Archaeological Watching Brief at Hawridge Court, Hawridge, Chesham.
  • Northamptonshire Archaeology, 1998, Archaeological Excavation of Land at Hawridge Court, Cholesbury, Bucks.