Page Croft Bastles

Has been described as a Certain Bastle

There are masonry ruins/remnants remains

NamePage Croft Bastles
Alternative Names
Historic CountryNorthumberland
Modern AuthorityNorthumberland
1974 AuthorityNorthumberland
Civil ParishHaydon

Solitary form bastle, measures 9.1 x 6.3m externally. Present state - house (Ryder 1990).

Page Croft has been greatly enlarged and remodelled c.1980 and is basically L-shaped in plan; the south range consists of a pair of bastles, the east range ('the Cottage') was originally detached from the bastles, and seems to have originated as a barn or byre (with slit vents in the north gable), heightened and converted into domestic accommodation in the 19th century.

The bastles are constructed of large roughly coursed rubble. The earlier eastern bastle measured 9m by 6,4m externally, with walls c.0.9m thick. This was a roofless ruin when remodelled and heightened c.1980. The east gable end shows a boulder plinth and a probable slit vent at basement level; on the south is more boulder plinth and the lower jambs of two doorways of uncertain date, below and immediately to the west of a large modern window. There is said to have been another doorway in the north wall (not now visible) opposite the western of the top on the south. During the remodelling a bread oven, possibly set within a blocked doorway - there were old timber lintels above - was seen in the centre of the west wall.

The bastle extension to the west measures c.10.3m by 6.2m. The west gable end shows a distinctive stepped plinth. On the south, beneath a modern porch, is a doorway with a chamfered surround, and the inscription 'E 169 H' on the lintel; the figures (the '6' is reversed) and letters are carved in relief within a sunk rectangular panel. The initials are thought to relate to an Edward Henderson, listed together with William Henderson as tenants on the 1608 survey of Langley Barony (thus the '169' presumably refers to '1609')

The stones of the door jambs vary in size and some have narrower chamfers than others, suggesting that the doorway may not be in its original condition.

The remains of an early doorway have been seen near the east end of the north wall of this part of the building; this had massive jambs with drawbar tunnel, and sockets for a harr hung door, but its lintel was missing (removed to the doorway in the south wall?). The internal walls of both bastles shows a marked batter in the lower 1.5m or so (Ryder 1994-5). (Northumberland HER)

Not scheduled

Not Listed

County Historic Environment Record
OS Map Grid ReferenceNY845653
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  • Ryder, P.F., 1994-5, Towers and Bastles in Northumberland Part 4 Tynedale District Vol. 2 p. 86-7
  • Ryder, P.F., 1990, Northumberland Bastles Survey Unpublished p. 6
  • Smith, J., nd. History of Pagecroft. Privately produced